Thesis Competition 2024

The STEP LatAm Conference is encouraging students and young professionals to write a scholarly thesis paper. Each year the paper is on a current topic for advising families across borders in Latin America.

This year’s topic will be:

“Family Protocols” Description, uses and applications in your jurisdiction in accordance with applicable law and court precedents.

Rules of participation are as follows:

  • Applicants must be residents and/or citizens of Latin America;
  • Applicants must be qualified full or part time students (not necessarily STEP members) and/or young professionals;
  • Paper length: 4,000 to 5,000 words;
  • Submission deadline: 11:59pm, August 9th, 2024.

The winner will receive:

  • Registration to the 2024 STEP LatAm Conference - Buenos Aires, Argentina;
  • Economy return flight to Buenos Aires (to be used for attendance at the 2024 Conference); and
  • Three nights accommodation at the 2024 STEP LatAm Conference Hilton Hotel in Buenos Aires, (for the exclusive use of attending the conference)

Papers will be assessed by the STEP LatAm Conference Advisory Board, based on reasoning, presentation and content.

Please send submissions to:

All applicant papers will be made available to the 2024 STEP LatAm Conference delegates.